Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Specialist Location Planning and Research


For the Specialist Location Brief Unit 31 I will be producing a series of images based on studio portraiture , a family studio shoot, a portrait location shoot a christening and a corporate shoot. I will be present the Images in a portrait booklet A5 size which will display a combination of  glamour, location,family portrait,Events and corporate photography. I would like the booklet to show a variety of photographic style,and diversity of people. The booklet will consist of both colour and black and white Imagery.

The reason I have chosen to develop a series of Images based on portraiture is that I feel there is a market for this type of photography. Clients that have been used for this assignment are paying customers and will recieve their Images fully edited on a Disc with a complimentary print for £40.
The photography will consist of a combination of head shots and body shots of each of the models

To promote my photography business I have created a leaflet which will be distributed around different areas near my studio.

The camera I will is a Nikon D90 18,105 mm lens .During studio portrait shoots that I have done in the past the settings of the camera is  160th F11 which allow suffient light into the camera to portray nice bright Images. For the location shoot the camera setting will be ..


At the begining of the Specialist Location Assignment I studied Images produced by a Portrait company called ,Porclain Portraits. The Images I have chosen to display in my planning demontraste a creative camera angle.

Throughout my assignment I have looked at ways to include this style in my own work.

The second example has been taken of a mother and her child. This image uses another creative camera angle and both apear to be enjoying the photography moment. The models skin apear to have been airbrushed which is a similar to the stlye I will include in my own work.

Throughout my assignment I have looked at ways to include this style in my own work


I have divided each series of shoots and numbered them 1 to 5.

Shoot 1 Female Portraiture   

For the first shoot I will develop a series of portrait photographs of a woman. The client will be photographed on a white backdrop and will be wearing casual/evening wear. I will be experimenting with various props during the shoot by placing a chair for the model to sit on and flowers/other items for the model to hold during the shoot. I will also be experimenting different composition ideas and positioning the camera from above looking down to create an interesting view point. I will also place the model on the floor and photograph from this angle. For the Images I will use two different lenses one will be a Nikon Portrait lens and Nikon 18 to 105 mm lens.

Test shots

Shoot 2 Location Portraiture

For the second series of photography I will phorograph the model in the grounds of a church/graveyard.

This Image was taken from the internet by (Oisin Vink) and will be a similar style to the Photography I will do. For this shoot I will be photographing the model wearing a glamorus dress standing up against harsh grey stone. The reason I have chosen to photograph in this style is to cotrast both glamour and plain. The Images will still be displayed as portraiture Photography but I have chosen to take the picures on location to create interest and show diversity within the portrait booklet. I will need to be aware of all types of weather conditions during this shoot so I will be equipting myself with various waterproof clothing and to protect the camera. I will speak to staff who manage the church for permission to use the grounds. If I cannot get permission to use the Church Grounds I will be photographing the model near Worsley Canal.

Family Shoot 3 Test shots

For this shoot I have chosen to Photograph two children one aged seven months and one aged four. I will Photograph the children sat on a large white backdrop and experiment with different poses during the shoot. I have suplied the studio with various puppets and childrens toys to use during the shoot to gain happy facial expressions from the children! The test shots taken have been edited by using photoshop to relieve any blochy patches on the skin. I have taken into consideration various risks health and safety( eg) wires and equiptment must be safely positioned in the studio. I have also included some photography from one other family shoot which may be included in my Photography Portrait booklet.

Events (Christening Photography) Shoot 4

For this part of the assignment I will be including a Christening. I will be using a flash which will be used during the church photgraphy as pictures may be dark. I will be arriving at the church before the visitors arrive to capture the atmosphere of guests on arrival. I will be asking the parents of the child if they would like Photographs of certain family members EG grandparents. If the weather is poor I will take the Photographs inside during the Christening after party. I will take waterproof equiptment for the camera.

The Images I like have been taken by Spiritual Photographer Arpi Pap. This style of Photography portrays a different approach to other Christening Photography I have seen, I'm interested in the variety of camera veiw point and depth of field.

I will be Photographing the interior of the church, this Image was taken by Christening Photographer Lindsey goddard.

I plan to use photoshop skills in some of the Images, altering black and white with a bright colour. 

The Christening Shoot

Photography of the Christening outfit also took place before the day.

Test Shots

Taken from a previous Christening which may be used in the Photography portrait booklet.

Shoot 5  Corporate shoot,

For this part of the assignment I have included a corporate Photography shoot. The reason I have chosen to include these Images is to reflect diversity within the portrait booklet. I have also used mostly female models during the assignment so I have included a male customer.

Examples of corporate Photography

The Images was taken from a Business Photography Company called (Headshots London) .


Specialist Location Introduction


For the Specialist Location brief I will be Photographing a series of Portrait, Family, and one location portrait shoot. The Photography will take place during the next four weekends during the month of May and will take the weekdays during the month to complete the editing.  The Images will be presented in a portrait booklet size A5.

Target Audience

Portraiture and family Portrait photography has a large market to sell. The work that I produce will be targeted at Parents, Families, business men/women who require headshots of themselves; I have specifically aimed my work towards this target audience as this style of photography can generate custom.


During the assignment I have studied various photographers to gain inspiration, technique and style, Examples of photographers work I like have been displayed in the (Planning) .





What is COSHH?

COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health.

On Safe Lines Free Advice on COSHH Health Risks and Management to Help You Manage Health and Safety Responsibilities -

Traditional COSHH Symbols :


International symbols will replace the European symbols in 2009. Some of them are similar to the European symbols but there is no single word describing the hazard. The most noticeable feature is the change in the labeling symbols: instead of the hazard symbols with black printing on orange-yellow rectangles that have been used to date, now nine hazard pictograms with black symbols on a white background with red-rimmed rhombuses are used to provide warnings

The new international hazard symbols and warning and precautionary phrases that must be used on labels which will eventually replace the danger signs, risk and safety phrases. There will be a transitional period as these are gradually phased in. The changes have to be completed by Dec 2010 for substances and by December 2015 for preparations.

The long transition period for the labeling systems (2009 - 2015) is intended to ensure that all of the relevant parties - public authorities, companies and stakeholders - are able to concentrate their resources on the new obligations in a timely manner.
http://www.onsafelines.com/new-international-coshh-symbols.html - New International COSHH Symbols

Sunday, 21 April 2013



For task 3 I chose to photograph a colleague to pose as a rock star for an album cover. I took a series of different test shots from various camera angles and altered different tones and colours to enhance the image.

I began by positioning the model in the studio and used a wooden picture frame as part of a prop, however I thought this took the attention away from the model herself and the guitar was slightly hidden. The lighting in these shots was also dim, and I began by using one soft box, so I altered the settings of my camera to 160th F11 which brightened the set and I included another soft box.


My second series of test shots were taken of her head, I used two soft boxes and set my camera to 160th F11.The second Images didn’t include the guitar and I was unable to capture the models tattoos which were an important aspect of portraying a rock star Image. I also altered the Image to black and white however the photograph worked better in colour. I didn’t find these Images successful so I developed a series of Ideas that included more colour and props. The final Image I took I positioned the model to a side view and length ways across, I was then able to capture the whole body and highlight the models tattoos and large black boots.

The Image was then altered on Photoshop by using the gradient tool to create a red colour reflecting down towards the model. The name of the album is called Red Hot Fire by Emma Louise Hatch and my aim was to produce an Image that linked to the album name. I chose to photograph a red electric guitar to match.  

Overall I enjoyed the task and was pleased with the progress I had made in developing a rock star album cover. If I was given the opportunity to photograph again I could have experimented by doing a location shoot. I could have photographed the model in different music venues perhaps on a stage where I could have captured different stage lighting.