Paul Hart
373 × 477 (Same size ), 76KB
Paul Hart was born in 1961 and in 1985 he studied a BA Hons in Photography. For six years Paul Hart worked as an advertising Photographer and travelled Europe and America. Hart later began a career as a freelance photographer and focused more on the natural world.
The Image above is an interesting way of capturing woodland area,the composition of the image has been well thought out and displays lines of woodland trees growing closley together.In some of the Images I have taken at Tatton Park I have captured trees growing closley together in lines.
423 × 534 (Same size ), 379KB
The Image above has an interesting composition, as the smaller tree growing between the two larger trees allow it to stand out and create cotrast against the background. The photograph is taken on a hill and by positioning the camera from this angle gives depth to the Image.When photographing woodland I found these were just some of the photographic skills I needed to consider when taking my shots.
The Image above has an interesting composition, as the smaller tree growing between the two larger trees allow it to stand out and create cotrast against the background. The photograph is taken on a hill and by positioning the camera from this angle gives depth to the Image.When photographing woodland I found these were just some of the photographic skills I needed to consider when taking my shots.
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